September 15, 2010

Social Media in Political Interactions

Most US Representatives and Senators have a Facebook page. Less are on Twitter. However, the Democratic and Republican Parties are gently but firmly suggesting their members get on the social media bandwagon, so look for more to join the party. So what's an engaged organization to do?

I've said it before and it's still true: there is NO replacement for the impact of an effective face to face meeting with elected officials or their staff. Second to a face to face meeting? A personal phone call to a specific person with a specific request. Third? A direct e-mail with a specific request to a specific person.

Is there anything to do after that? Maybe.

If your organization is on Twitter or Facebook,  I suggest gentle interactions with elected officials via Facebook and Twitter, but NOT about your substantive issue. Save communications about substantive issues for substantial communications like those described above.

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